Hot Potato Game

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$220.00 | Hot Potato Game 

The original hot potato game is played by children forming a circle together and pass an object one by one, mostly a ball, which is called hot potato. When the music is over or a stop signal is raised, whoever holds the hot potato been wiped out. Then the game continue until only one player remains. However, inflatable hot potato game is totally different from the origin of the game.

Inflatable hot potato game, also known as the floating ball game, is a game that players use the air tubes to transfer the balls from one side to the other side’s basket or hoop. Obviously, the game is better for indoor events due to wind interference.

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Hot Potato Game

Hot Potato Game

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Circuits needed: 1
Item Dimensions: 12' x 3' x 3'
Space Needed: 15' x 5' x 5'

dynamic io trk code